Since 2016, her focus has been the Prajna Yoga method created by Tias and Surya Little. She earned her SATYA certification from Prajna Yoga in 2022. Her latest dharma studies culminated with earning a two-year certification course from Contemplative Studies Institute led by Dr. Miles Neale. Her spiritual studies with Kelle Phillips continue to clarify, inform and empower her path.
More about Keith
Musically, she created two albums of material for reflection and practice called “Sound Refuge”. Thanks to Tulane University, she performed original material at a concert with the Ford Foundation in 2020. A graduate of Princeton with a Masters from New York University, she is enrolled in a Masters of Music Therapy program at Loyola University (New Orleans). She shares her budding music therapy offerings through the monthly “Sound Refuge” events at the Mandir. When not engaged with yoga or music, Keith is probably cooking, reading, or traveling as a sailing mom.
With sincere appreciation for the Swan River Yoga community, she looks forward to continued learning and service as a student, teacher, musician and friend on the path.