Finding Joy in Impermanence

Finding Joy in Impermanence

Finding Joy in Impermanence by Carrie Hood Last summer, I rented a car and drove down the Blue Ridge Parkway, from its beginning in Virginia, where it is called Skyline Drive, to Ashville, NC. Along the way, I had to exit many times due to fires and road construction...
Cultivating Compassion

Cultivating Compassion

by Stephanie Stelly “Yoga” is a Sanskrit word that comes from the root word “yuj” that translates as, “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga can unite us within our own bodies, minds, and spirits, as well as with the entire universe. We are now coming to the close of an...
Enlivening the Inner World through Embodiment

Enlivening the Inner World through Embodiment

Enlivening the Inner World through Embodiment By Adrienne Edson One of my favorite aspects of yoga is moving the body in combination with imagination. I find the result to be a thrilling look into the vast realms within and an opportunity to get to know oneself with...
On Meditating: The Practice of Peace and Insight

On Meditating: The Practice of Peace and Insight

By: Verne Kemerer We are in a period of people seeking mindfulness, of becoming sensitive to our own and others’ trauma, and expanding awareness and understanding of the implications of neuroscience for mental wellness. Maybe because of this zeitgeist, I often hear...
We Are The World: How Human

We Are The World: How Human

“WE ARE THE WORLD: HOW HUMAN” by Charlotte Mabry Yes, it is true, the dedicated yogi scrolls and watches Netflix! I love the lyrics of music, movies, art, theatre, poetry, books, etc. I find yoga in art. I find yoga everywhere, by simply accepting my humanness and...
All Becomes One

All Becomes One

Written by Raney-Mills Turner, LPC, ATR What comes after the excessive creativity, costuming, king cake, and community? Whetheryou were an active participant or a purposeful hideaway, the energy of the city dramatically shifts on Ash Wednesday. Some call it the...