Spring Cleaning Saucha

Spring Cleaning Saucha

FOM May/June 2023 written by Keith Porteous “The best thing about your life is that it is constantly in a state of design. This means you have, at all times, the power to redesign it. Make moves, allow shifts, smile, do more, do less, say no, say yes—just remember,...
Imagine No Longer Desiring Pain

Imagine No Longer Desiring Pain

FOM Jan 2023 written by Swan Michelle “Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.” Eckhart Tolle I practice a somewhat unconventional approach to New Years/cycles that I would love to share with you. It is not programmed, crafted nor engineered by a...
Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

FOM November 2022 written by Andrea DiBlasi Gratitude is defined as: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. The Sanskrit word for thank you/gratitude is dhanyavāda. Gratitude is a word we often hear as we approach the holiday season. Holiday...
Breath Connects Us All

Breath Connects Us All

FOM September 2022 written by Monica Edelstein “The yogi measures his span of life not by number of days, but of breaths.” – B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga I have a history with breathing. When I was younger, I learned to play the flute, which requires controlled...
Summer Stillness: An Invitation to Let It Be

Summer Stillness: An Invitation to Let It Be

Focus of the Month: July 2022 written by Keith Porteous How do you relate to stillness? For some, it is easier to stay busy than to pause and be with ourselves. As a parent, the end of school can be a manic time. A friend calls the month of May “Mayhem” because it can...