All Becomes One

All Becomes One

Written by Raney-Mills Turner, LPC, ATR What comes after the excessive creativity, costuming, king cake, and community? Whetheryou were an active participant or a purposeful hideaway, the energy of the city dramatically shifts on Ash Wednesday. Some call it the...
Always Beginning

Always Beginning

Written by Lynn Austin Lalka I want you to think of your first day of something. Your first day of school, or a new job. The day you accomplished a longstanding goal, or the day you took the first step to live your life in a different way. How did you feel on that...
Svadhyaya; Exploring Our Inner World

Svadhyaya; Exploring Our Inner World

Written by Cat Kennedy Swami Kripalu once said, “The highest spiritual practice is self-observation without judgment.” The yamas and the niyamas are the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. They are considered the “ethical guidelines” from which to live by....
More Warrior, Less Worrier

More Warrior, Less Worrier

By Carrie Hood Steven Soderbergh’s 1989 film, Sex, Lies & Videotape, opens with Andie McDowell explaining to her psychiatrist her obsession with the mounting garbage problem- “Where is it all going to go?!”. This is exactly how I was feeling at the same time and...