NAILED IT! – Failure is my Guru

NAILED IT! – Failure is my Guru

Focus of the Month: December 2021 written by Carrie Hood Guru Brahmā Guru Viṣṇur Guru devo Maheśvaraḥ Guru sākṣāt paraṁ Brahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ Our creation is that highest teacher; the duration of our lives is that highest teacher; our trials, illnesses,...
Anything But Ordinary

Anything But Ordinary

Focus of the Month: November 2021 written by Swan Michelle “It is not happiness that makes you grateful but gratefulness that makes you happy.” -The Book Of Joy, Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu & The Dalai Lama This moment and this time in our lives is anything but...

Focus of the Month: October 2021

Sat Nam written by Steph ‘Navjeet’ Smith ‘Sat Nam’ is a mantra, and an expression we often use in Kundalini Yoga. It has a meaning and physiology embedded in it. The words together mean ‘true vibrational consciousness’. “Sat Nam is the bij, or seed...

Focus of the Month: September 2021

Health is Wealth written by Kelly Haas “Health is not a commodity to be bargained for. It has to be earned through sweat.” – BKS Iyengar, Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health” “Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break...

Focus of the Month: August 2021

Love in Action written by Kristen Weddle Once a year, my extended family and I put forth our best efforts to come together for Family Visit Week. Although my family has grown much larger over the years, the size of the house where we stay has not. Over the course of a...

Focus of the Month: July 2021

“I’m Fine”. But am I? Svadhyaya through Asana Practice written by Lynn Austin Lalka In the past year, the majority of conversations I had started with the same question: “How are you doing?”. This seems like a pretty normal way to start a conversation, but the...